Abode for True Expression

The blog and my Instagram page are supposed to be a space for open and free expression of my life experiences. I am more than happy to be a listener. Really keen to share my stories and to know yours too.
Yes the world is not so beautiful in reality, but in the small attempts of kindness and care lies the real meaning of life for me. Difficulty is always relative to one own’s experiences and unique to each one. All we can do is try to live and let live. Be inclusive, be open and not rigid in the mind.

Beyond the norms and Kalon!

  • Lust For Life: Irving Stone

    For a long time, I could not figure out how to write this blog, should it be a usual summary, should I give my point of view or what… then I thought it should be something which makes the reader pick up the damn book! So instead of telling you the whole story, I will…

  • Book Rerview: Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy

    Hey there lovely souls! I moved to a different city, started a job and well now living in an entirely different zone of the world for me. Learning a lot of things when living so far from home, and exploring life in ways I had not before. And very defensive if corporate would kill my…

  • Is your hobby just an incentive to make you work more?

    Do you get a salary on tax or do you pay taxes on your salary? What stupid blog? Eh? No but really, it is but obvious the answer to above question.. *sighs* the thing is, it is not about salary or taxes. It is about life. Do you enjoy a little like you pay a…

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